International Oil
& Gas Workers
We specialize in applying workers for the
$126,500 Foreign Income Tax Exclusion
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International Oil
& Gas Workers
We specialize in applying workers for the
$126,500 Foreign Income Tax Exclusion
View tax Benefits
Our practice concentrates on individuals, families, and small businesses. We do no CPA auditing, bookkeeping or write up services. As clients experience our personal, competent, and prompt level of service, they come to trust and rely on us. We have learned through the years that clients really prefer to work with the same CPA firm to handle their tax and financial planning needs.
We prepare comprehensive personal financial plans for individuals. These plans consist of three parts: a narrative format, an individualized social security strategy plan, and a retirement income plan. We do not present complicated graphs, histograms, or present value calculations. Our plans are crafted to be readable and understandable. Everyone should have a plan prepared as it is not just beneficial to the clients, but also beneficial for their family.
Social Security is a major part of just about everyone’s retirement cash flow. The law in this area is far more complicated than most people realize. Did you know that married couples have five separate Social Security accounts, not just two? We prepare individualized presentations on the most beneficial drawing options available and present the reasons why.

Everyone’s lives are unique in so many ways — age, health, and ability or desire to work longer than others. The plan that works for one couple will not fit another couple. This is one of our higher valued services that we perform for our clients as it puts more needed retirement income in their pocket.

Over the many years as we worked with our clients, we generally get to know their families. Then as our older clientele pass, the family engages us to work with the estate attorney and thus get involved with the estate from a tax and planning perspective. We assist the surviving spouse and/or the family members through the estate process and future planning of the family’s estate. Again, because of the trust built up over the years we become one of the go to professionals.

Also it is very common, and understandable, for parents that desire to protect their estate from creditors, Medicaid (nursing home costs), etc. in order to pass as much of their estate as possible to family. We present the pros and cons of the various estate planning vehicles such as life estates, revocable and irrevocable trusts, and lifetime gifting. Presenting the pros and the cons of these concepts is so important for the client to understand as they make their estate decisions.

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